East Asian Medicine
Acupuncture - Massage - Cupping - Nutrition & Herbs
Common Physical and Emotional Health Conditions Treated:
Traditional East Asian Medicine considers the mind and body to be holistic systems that effect and support one another. If the mind or body has been injured, the whole body is affected. Here is a list of commonly treated Physical and Emotional Health Conditions that can be relieved with natural, safe and effective acupuncture.
If you do not see your condition listed, please call for a complimentary consult.
Physical Health:
Sports injuries and chronic pain
Auto accident injuries
Muscle and joint pain
Back pain
Shoulder pain
Neck pain
Leg, ankle and foot pain
Knee pain
Hip pain
Carpal tunnel Syndrome
Tennis Elbow
Repetitive strain injuries
Jaw pain
Dental pain
Headaches and migraines
Postoperative pain
Digestive Issues and Nausea
Heartburn, GERD, Acid Reflux
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Chronic indigestion, gas, bloating
Chronic loose stools or constipation
Food sensitivities and allergies
Acute and chronic gastritis
Nausea and vomiting
Respiratory Complaints
Sinus Problems and Allergies
Colds and Flus
Chronic Cough
Reproductive Challenges:
PMS, menstrual cramps
Irregular menstrual cycles
Fertility and IVF Support
Low Libido
Mental and Emotional Health:
Low Energy Levels
Low Libido
Chronic Fatigue
Recovery Support For:
Substance and alcohol abuse
Eating disorders
Tobacco cessation
Post-operative pain and numbness
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
My Approach
I provide an all-inclusive, accessible, body-positive environment.
It is my goal to include, listen, and educate the patient on their healthcare journey.
I provide highly-customized, clear, compassionate, gentle and effective, patient-led care.
I seek to serve stressed-out humans in pain and transition, wishing to participate in their wellness goals.
I look forward to meeting you and serving our community.
While there are many schools of acupuncture, my technique consists of a combination of Traditional Chinese, gentle Japanese, and the more modern school of Engaging Vitality taught by Dan Bensky, Marguerite Dinkins, Rayén Antón and the late Chip Chase. EV is a palpation-based method of practicing acupuncture that uses osteopathic diagnostic principles of examination.
Having a full tool kit of techniques gives me the flexibility to determine the method that will be most effective for treating your specific condition. We all have different bodies, and I believe that on different days, our bodies might need different care.
Let's talk about how East Asian Medicine can help you and your loved ones!